How to Find and Change Your Furnace Air Filter

Are you looking for the location of your oven air filter in your HVAC system? Learn how to locate and change your furnace air filter with ease.

How to Find and Change Your Furnace Air Filter

Are you looking for the location of your oven air filter in your HVAC system? It can be a tricky task, but we're here to help. The filter is usually located behind a metal compartment door near the floor or side of the oven. Depending on the type of air conditioning unit in your home, the location of the filter may vary. When you're ready to change your oven filter, make sure to turn off the oven first.

Then, remove the existing filter, which is located just inside the oven or inside the return air vent. The airflow direction arrow printed on the new filter should point toward the oven (or more specifically, the arrow pointing toward the oven fan unit). If you're looking for an oven filter that works less like a normal fiberglass model and more like an electronic model, you're in luck. Combi oven filters are also very popular with homeowners today because they offer an affordable option for removing dust particles in your home heating system.

Household air cleaners are designed to filter air from one direction, so that as they are loaded with dirt, they don't collapse or fall apart. Panel air filters are one of the most common oven filters in use today and offer an economical option for homeowners. When you install the new oven filter, you will see markings that tell you which side of the filter should face the oven. Typically, you should change a basic fiberglass oven filter every one to two months and paper oven filters every four months or a year.

If you want to buy a good combi oven air filter, you will need to keep an eye on the quality of your filter at all times. Finally, people sometimes remove filters when they are not using the oven during the winter. It's important to know how to locate and change your furnace air filter in order to keep your home heating and cooling system running efficiently. Use a sticky note or permanent marker to mark the direction of air flow outside the oven so that you can easily find it when it's time to replace it. With these tips in mind, you'll be able to find and change your furnace air filter with ease.